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Oks Rudko

Poetry 2020


About the Item

Poetry 2020 is an audiovisual portrait of the digital relationship between two people living on different continents, thinking in different languages, but using the same means to interact with each other. With the help of the constant transformation of sound into image and image into sound, the code turns personal photos into technical noise. Supplemented by audio stories and after sound editing, it is transformed back into a certain image created using the original generative program. The process is impossible without the participation of a machine and a person, the latter, however, in a particular case only controls the arrangement and aesthetics of sound. 

About the Artist

Oks Rudko was born in 1986 in Khakassia, Russia. In her artistic practice, Oks Rudko focuses on the study of migration and incessant transformation - be it sound, physical or digital matter, found spaces. She touches on the themes of displacement, posthumanism, the interaction of human and non-human, plunging into intermediate and blurred issues. The artist turns to the placement of sound in uncharacteristic places, the study of the influence and politics possibilities of sound in spaces. In digital works, she is engaged in transcoding, synthesizing machine and field recordings, converting sound to image and vice versa. By creating art objects, Oks Rudko rethinks redundancy, using unnecessary surrounding things. Works with such media as sound art, intervention, manual printing, sculpture, text, video art.

Oks Rudko organized interventions in 34ª Biennale in São Paulo (Brazil, 2021) with the ongoing project “Sonic creatures”. In 2021 she won a grant from the International Summer Academy in Salzburg to complete the course Spatial Hijacks of Sculpture, director Flaka Haliti. She took part in the Russian launch and development of the international aerocene laboratory of the artist Tomaso Saraceno as part of the special program of the Garage museum of contemporary art. In 2020, Oks Rudko graduated from the "Free Workshops" School of contemporary art of MMOMA. She participated in the VII Moscow International Biennale of Young Art as part of the special program of the MMOMA "Workshop 2020", group exhibitions and festivals of contemporary art. She has realized several personal exhibitions. Since 2020, Oks Rudko has been the founder and one of the participants of the association of artists "Bagryanka".

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