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Irina Vilkina

Noise pattern


About the Item

“Noise pattern” is an audiovisual work about the impact of noise on human life and health. From a physical point of view, noise is a disorderly combination of sounds of varying intensity and frequency. Prolonged exposure to noise, the level of which is 68-92 dB, causes diseases of the nervous system. Noise can lead to impaired peripheral circulation. With an increase in the noise level to 84-88 dB, a person's blood pressure may increase. With constant exposure to noise, the bioelectric activity of the brain and the mobility of nervous processes are disturbed. Noise above 110 dB can cause hearing loss. Headache, irritability, dizziness, nausea may occur. If a high noise level affects a person for a long time, then he may develop a noise disease, the symptoms of which are a decrease in the level of hearing sensitivity, ear pain, ringing, squeaking, memory impairment, dizziness, and headaches. Video “Noise pattern” refers to the idea of ​​noise impact on a person during a working day, a classic eight-hour shift, conveys how noise interferes with a person and does not allow him to concentrate in the cycle of activities, affairs, work tasks.

About the Artist

Irina Vilkina (born 1987 in Nizhny Tagil, Russia) is an artist. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Ural State University and the Young Artist Laboratory of the Ural branch of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. She explores natural processes and phenomena in the paradigm of technological destruction and disruption, discreteness, randomness, illusory nature and distortions. Lives and works in Yekaterinburg.

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