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Описание изображения

Alexandra Soko

Jericho Rose


About the Item

The ‘Jericho Rose’ series of 3D animations refers to the plant of the same name and the complex of images around it: resurrection, immortality, time. The Rose of Jericho plant can remain in a ‘dormant’ state for a long time, up to several years, in the form of a dry dense ball, but quickly ‘wakes up’ when water appears. This feature was noted by the Spanish colonialists, who demonstrated this ‘trick’ to indigenous peoples to illustrate the idea of resurrection.

‘Plucked and carried away by a wanderer, thousands of versts from its homeland,’ wrote Bunin in his short story ‘The Rose of Jericho’, ‘it can lie dry, grey and dead for years. But when placed in water it immediately comes into bloom, unfurling small leaves and turning pink.’

About the Artist

Alexandra Soko is an interdisciplinary artist and director from St. Petersburg, a member of the Russian Union of Artists. After graduating from the I. E. Repin Academy of Fine Arts and receiving a diploma as a painter she continued to develop in the direction of digital art, experimenting with new forms and technologies. In parallel with painting she studied film direction and has made two short films and some 20 music videos. In her work she intertwines fine and digital art, cinema, theatre, music and sculpture. Her main line of creativity is an illusory world that accompanies the material sphere, something invisible yet tangible.

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