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Dasha Azbil

Lena Buzueva

Into the Wilds

instructional sound performance
instructional sound performance
instructional sound performance

About the Item


In order to conduct a sound performance on your own, you need to come to the nearest forest in the evening or at night and turn on "Into the Wilds" through headphones. You can close your eyes and dive into your wilds without leaving your home.

Close your eyes.
What was the forest in which the birds lived?
What will it be like when all kinds of birds will be vanished?
The only correct answer is we don't know.
Look into the darkness, you will see in it - nothing and
all possible events at the same time.

For the project "Into the Wilds", the voices of several species of extinct birds and those species that have not yet disappeared, but are currently on the verge of extinction, were selected. With the help of a neural network, they are sonified (sonification is the process of translating images into sound) and woven into one hybrid sound. Thus, with the help of artificial intelligence, the soundscape of the mythical wilds, a virtual hybrid forest, in which birds from the past and the future live and sing, is recreated. This is not a scientific reconstruction, but a speculative study about a possible future.

About the Artist

Dasha Azbil is a graduate of MSCA and directing course of GOGOL School, grant winner of the laboratory of technological art at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Biostation", student of the Moscow Anthropological School (MAS). Participant of the creative duo SHANA (together with Lena Buzueva) which aims to find out the extent of possible to think differently.

Lena Buzueva is a resident of the "Open Studios" of Winzavod for the 5th season, the Fridaymilk field recording laboratory, the laboratory of technological art at the Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Biostation", a graduate of MSCA and SA_Studio)). Participant of the creative duo SHANA (together with Dasha Azbil) which aims to find out the extent of possible to think differently.

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