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Gray Cake (Katya Pryanik, Sasha Serechenko)

About the Artist

Sasha Serechenko graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Talented programmer, musician. Focuses on working with an interactive environment and generative practices. Combines programming, web development and data analysis skills in multidisciplinary work, which covers installation, sound, net-art, web-art. Participant in many group exhibitions since 2006. The works were exhibited in the museums GarageElectromuseumNew Tretyakov GalleryCyberFest and others. 

Katya Pryanik graduated from The Rodchenko Art School, workshop of Igor Mukhin. She successfully defended her diploma under the leadership of Lyudmila Zinchenko. She focuses on experimental methods of manual printing, also works with video, photography, installation. Participated in multiple group exhibitions since 2009. The works are in the collection of MAMMMytishchi art gallery and in private collections. Also participated in the Bursa International Photography Festival and the international exhibition "Trained Machines" at the Electromuseum in 2019. 

The Author's Works on Biennale